Managing stress as exam-time looms (our Top 10 tips)
April is "stress awareness" month. Let's face it, most of us are aware of stress on a daily basis but April seems a pretty poignant [...]
Talking about war – 5 ways to help you navigate the conversation
Last Saturday I had a conversation I never thought I would have with Kaia as she shared with me a heartbreaking video about a girl [...]
With self awareness, we can climb mountains
Last night my husband and I watched The Alpinist – the story of Marc-Andre LeClerc, a Canadian rock climber known for his phenomenal free solo [...]
Parents’ Mental Health – Is balance possible??
The theme for this year’s Parents’ Mental Health Day is Balance. It’s something we all strive to achieve, but how many of us ever even [...]
5 tips to help your teens set their resolutions
In our family, we do the “word of the year” thing – where everyone gets to choose one word or quality that they’d like to [...]
Christmas survival guide – 8 tips to help keep you sane
How do you feel about Christmas? The movies would have us believe that everyone adores it, but for many of us it brings up a plethora [...]
Be Persistent and Shout Louder
We all know that we want to be there for our kids – whether it’s turning up to their plays and sports matches, helping with [...]
School’s out – moving on during the pandemic
Tiggy finished primary school a couple of days ago. She wasn’t prepared for it. We knew it was coming obviously, and we had talked about [...]
Let’s stop talking about self-love …and focus on self-acceptance
Pretty much every tv ad tells us that we’re not good enough – our car isn’t nippy enough, our cleaning products don’t make our kitchens [...]
You’re just a kid – what have YOU got to be stressed about?
“I’m so stressed” is a cry that I grew used to hearing in the legal profession as countless cases and deadlines loomed at the same [...]
This Valentine’s Day: treat yourself to the gift of saying NO
My text message pings. It’s a friend complaining about her mum “I phone her every day and she moans at me for a good hour [...]
Mindset – the key to freedom
Whilst rooting through some of the papers and books under my bed (I know, I know!) I came across some old journals that I kept [...]